Discovering the slots in a module

  • Search from the lobby for all slots.

  • Each should be in a module.

  • SELF 4.0 contains ~16000 reachable slots.

  • Cannot save unreachable objects using the SELF 4.0 transporter.

Discovering the slots in a module

In order to be able to install a saved slot into an object in a different snapshot, we must be able to locate that object. In Self 4.0, this means that the object must be reachable from the lobby by a path (i.e., sequence of data slots).

When operating, the transporter locates every slot reachable from the lobby via such a path (with some exceptions, listed below). Every slot should be in a module; any that are not are known as expatriate, and can be listed from the changed modules middle-button menu. In Self 4.0, there are about 16000 slots reachable from the lobby, and every one is assigned to a module.

Slots and objects that are not reachable from the lobby constitute the local state of a snapshot, and cannot be saved using the transporter. (The mechanism used to save morphs does not involve the transporter.)

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