
After making the new slots into creators:

Setting the creator path

The name has still not changed, because although we now have a path to each object from the lobby, we have not designated it the creator path.

The creator path is set by using the middle-button menu item `Make creator' on each slot in the path. We need only do this on slots leading from an object that is already well-known. For the account objects, this means we only need to set the slots in globals as creators to make them well-known, because globals is already well-known.

A final touch is to set the creator path for the traits of the accounts object. We can do this by either making the parent slot in the bank account the creator, or the parent slot in the stock account. It doesn't really matter which we choose.

Now, if we make a copy of the bankAccount or stockAccount, the copy is labelled 'a bankAccount' or 'a stockAccount'.

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