For the interested reader...

  • Animation

  • Copying composite morphs

  • Synchronization

Things we have not covered

There are several important parts of Morphic that we have not dealt with. These are advanced topics, which are required for serious use, but beyond the scope of an introductory tutorial. They are dealt with in more detail in the Morphic manual:


Morphic provides ubiquitous animation. Every morph can participate in animation. Animation can be as simple as having a method applied regularly, causing a change in the appearance of the morph, or it can be as complex as synchronized transformations involving many morphs.

Copying composite morphs

When a composite morph is copied, the entire structure is duplicated. As part of the copying process, internal references between morphs have to be dealt with so that the new structure is consistent (and does not contain references to the original morphs). Morphic supplies a framework for doing this in a controlled fashion.


Morphic is a live system, and has to respond to many concurrent stimuli. Many user can be acting on the system at the same time, together with self- driven animations and other processes. It is in this context that applications modify the display. Some synchronization is required to ensure that this proceeds as expected, and Morphic provides hooks for this.

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