Minimum sizes

  • Accessible via minWidth and minHeight.

  • Layout morphs take into account their submorphs' minimum sizes.

  • Absolute minimum size (with no submorphs) is accessible via baseMinWidth, baseMinHeight.

Minimum Sizes

Morphs have a minimum size in each dimension (minWidth and minHeight). These sizes determine the minimum amount of space that will be allocated to a morph during layout.

The minimum size of a layout morph takes into account the minimum sizes of its submorphs. For example, the minimum width of a row is the sum of the minimum widths of its submorphs (plus a little bit for a border, if it has one).

The absolute minimum width and height of a morph, even when it has no submorphs, is specified by its baseMinWidth and baseMinHeight. For some kinds of morph, these values are stored in assignable slots in the morph. For others, these values are defined by inherited constant slots to save space. One can use these attributes to give a space-filling morph a minimum size.

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