Morph prototypes and traits hierarchies

  • Each prototypical morph has a traits

  • Each prototypical morph (except the root) is defined by copy-downs.

  • The prototypes and traits (usually) follow parallel hierarchies.

  • The roots are globals morph (or simply morph) and traits morph.

Morph prototypes and traits hierarchies

Morphic organizes morphs into a hierarchy much like a class hierarchy. The behavior for all copies of a given morph prototype is defined in a traits object which is a parent of all the copies.

The root of the morph hierarchy is traits morph. All morphs inherit from traits morph, either directly or via one or more intermediate traits objects. (Note: to see the entire morph hierarchy, invoke the "Show Traits Family" menu command on traits morph. Be patient; the morph hierarchy is quite large.)

Usually, the prototype of a given morph contains all the slots of the morph from which it is derived plus, possibly, a few additions. Each morph is defined using the copy-down facility.

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